The difference between Apparatus and Pommel horse

When used as nouns, apparatus means the entirety of means whereby a specific production is made existent or task accomplished, whereas pommel horse means an apparatus for gymnastic exercises with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright pommels, as hand grips, near the centre.

check bellow for the other definitions of Apparatus and Pommel horse

  1. Apparatus as a noun:

    The entirety of means whereby a specific production is made existent or task accomplished.

  2. Apparatus as a noun:

    A complex machine or instrument.

  3. Apparatus as a noun:

    An assortment of tools and instruments.

  4. Apparatus as a noun:

    A bureaucratic organization, especially one influenced by political patronage.

  5. Apparatus as a noun (firefighting):

    A vehicle used for emergency response.

  6. Apparatus as a noun (gymnastics):

    Any of the equipment on which the gymnasts perform their movements.

  1. Pommel horse as a noun:

    An apparatus for gymnastic exercises with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright pommels, as hand grips, near the centre; held upright with adjustable legs.

  2. Pommel horse as a noun:

    An athletic event in which the pommel horse is used.