The difference between Apartment building and Tenement

When used as nouns, apartment building means a residential building containing multiple apartments or flats, whereas tenement means a building that is rented to multiple tenants, especially a low-rent, run-down one.

check bellow for the other definitions of Apartment building and Tenement

  1. Apartment building as a noun:

    A residential building containing multiple apartments or flats.

  1. Tenement as a noun:

    A building that is rented to multiple tenants, especially a low-rent, run-down one.

  2. Tenement as a noun (legal):

    Any form of property that is held by one person from another, rather than being owned.


    "The island of Brecqhou is a tenement of Sark."

  3. Tenement as a noun (figurative):

    Dwelling; abode; habitation.