The difference between Affix and Hitch

When used as nouns, affix means that which is affixed, whereas hitch means a sudden pull.

When used as verbs, affix means to attach, whereas hitch means to pull with a jerk.

check bellow for the other definitions of Affix and Hitch

  1. Affix as a noun:

    That which is affixed; an appendage.

  2. Affix as a noun (linguistic morphology):

    A bound morpheme added to the word's stem's end.

  3. Affix as a noun (linguistic morphology):

    A bound morpheme added to a word's stem; the term comprises prefixes, suffixes, infixes, circumfixes, and suprafixes.

  4. Affix as a noun (mathematics):

    The complex number a+bi associated with the point in the Gauss plane with coordinates (a,b).

  5. Affix as a noun (decorative art):

    Any small feature, as a figure, a flower, or the like, added for ornament to a vessel or other utensil, to an architectural feature.

  1. Affix as a verb (transitive):

    To attach.


    "to affix a stigma to a person; to affix ridicule or blame to somebody"

  2. Affix as a verb (transitive):

    To subjoin, annex, or add at the close or end; to append to.


    "to affix a syllable to a word; to affix a seal to an instrument; to affix one's name to a writing"

  3. Affix as a verb (transitive):

    To fix or fasten figuratively; with on or upon.


    "eyes affixed upon the ground"

    "rfquotek Edmund Spenser"

  1. Hitch as a noun:

    A sudden pull.

  2. Hitch as a noun:

    Any of various knots used to attach a rope to an object other than another rope.

  3. Hitch as a noun:

    A fastener or connection point, as for a trailer.


    "His truck sported a heavy-duty hitch for his boat."

  4. Hitch as a noun (informal):

    A problem, delay or source of difficulty.


    "The banquet went off without a hitch.'' ("the banquet went smoothly.")"

  5. Hitch as a noun:

    A hidden or unfavorable condition or element; a catch.


    "The deal sounds too good to be true. What's the hitch?"

  6. Hitch as a noun:

    A period of time. Most often refers to time spent in the military.


    "She served two hitches in Vietnam."


  1. Hitch as a verb (transitive):

    To pull with a jerk.


    "She hitched her jeans up and then tightened her belt."

  2. Hitch as a verb (transitive):

    To attach, tie or fasten.


    "He hitched the bedroll to his backpack and went camping."

  3. Hitch as a verb (informal):

    To marry oneself to; especially to get hitched.

  4. Hitch as a verb (informal, transitive):

    contraction of hitchhike, to thumb a ride.


    "to hitch a ride"

  5. Hitch as a verb (intransitive):

    To become entangled or caught; to be linked or yoked; to unite; to cling.

  6. Hitch as a verb (intransitive):

    To move interruptedly or with halts, jerks, or steps; said of something obstructed or impeded.

  7. Hitch as a verb (UK):

    To strike the legs together in going, as horses; to interfere.


    "rfquotek Halliwell"