The difference between Adorn and Bedeck

When used as verbs, adorn means to make more beautiful and attractive, whereas bedeck means to deck, ornament, or adorn.

Adorn is also noun with the meaning: adornment.

Adorn is also adjective with the meaning: adorned.

check bellow for the other definitions of Adorn and Bedeck

  1. Adorn as a verb:

    To make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate.


    "a man adorned with noble statuary and columns"

    "a character adorned with every Christian grace"

    "a gallery of paintings was adorned with the works of some of the great masters"

  1. Adorn as a noun (obsolete):



    "rfquotek Edmund Spenser"

  1. Adorn as an adjective (obsolete):

    adorned; ornate


    "rfquotek Milton"

  1. Bedeck as a verb (transitive):

    To deck, ornament, or adorn; to grace.


    "She bedecked her wedding gown with seed pearls."

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