The difference between Acquittal and Condemnation
When used as nouns, acquittal means the act of fulfilling the duties (of a given role, obligation etc.), whereas condemnation means the act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong.
check bellow for the other definitions of Acquittal and Condemnation
Acquittal as a noun (now, _, rare):
The act of fulfilling the duties (of a given role, obligation etc.).
Acquittal as a noun (legal):
A legal decision that someone is not guilty with which they have been charged, or the formal dismissal of a charge by some other legal process.
Acquittal as a noun:
Payment of a debt or other obligation; reparations, amends.
Acquittal as a noun (now, _, historical):
The act of releasing someone from debt or other obligation; acquittance.
Acquittal as a noun (rare):
Avoidance of danger; deliverance.
Condemnation as a noun:
The act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong
"synonyms: censure blame disapprobation"
Condemnation as a noun:
The act of judicially condemning, or adjudging guilty, unfit for use, or forfeited; the act of dooming to punishment or forfeiture.
Condemnation as a noun:
The state of being condemned.
Condemnation as a noun:
The ground or reason of condemning.
Condemnation as a noun:
The process by which a public entity exercises its powers of eminent domain.