The difference between Accompany and Escort

When used as verbs, accompany means to go with or attend as a companion or associate, whereas escort means to attend to in order to guard and protect.

Escort is also noun with the meaning: a group of people or vehicles, generally armed, who go with a person or people of importance to safeguard them on a journey or mission.

check bellow for the other definitions of Accompany and Escort

  1. Accompany as a verb (transitive):

    To go with or attend as a companion or associate; to keep company with; to go along with.


    "Geoffrey accompanied the group on their pilgrimage."

  2. Accompany as a verb (transitive):

    To supplement with; add to.

  3. Accompany as a verb (intransitive, music):

    To perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition.

  4. Accompany as a verb (transitive, music):

    To perform an accompanying part next to (another instrument or musician).


    "The strings were accompanied by two woodwinds."

    "I will accompany her on the oboe."

  5. Accompany as a verb (intransitive, obsolete):

    To associate in a company; to keep company.

  6. Accompany as a verb (intransitive, obsolete):

    To cohabit (with).

  7. Accompany as a verb (transitive, obsolete):

    To cohabit with; to coexist with; occur with.


    "rfquotek Sir T. Herbert"

  8. Accompany as a verb:

    To be found at the same time.


    "Thunder almost always accompanies lightning during a rain storm."

  1. Escort as a noun:

    A group of people or vehicles, generally armed, who go with a person or people of importance to safeguard them on a journey or mission.

  2. Escort as a noun:

    An accompanying person in such a group.

  3. Escort as a noun:

    A guard who travels with a dangerous person, such as a criminal, for the protection of others.

  4. Escort as a noun:

    A group of people attending as a mark of respect or honor.

  5. Escort as a noun:

    An accompanying person in a social gathering, etc.

  6. Escort as a noun:

    Protection, care, or safeguard on a journey or excursion.

  7. Escort as a noun (somewhat euphemistic):

    A sex worker who does not operate in a brothel, but with whom clients make appointments; a call girl or male equivalent.

  1. Escort as a verb:

    To attend to in order to guard and protect; to accompany as a safeguard; to give honorable or ceremonious attendance to

  2. Escort as a verb:

    To go with someone as a partner, for example on a formal date.

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