The difference between Mama's boy and Pansy

When used as nouns, mama's boy means a male person, especially a young man or boy, who is overly attached to or influenced by his mother, whereas pansy means a cultivated flowering plant, derived by hybridization within species viola tricolor.

Pansy is also verb with the meaning: to mess about.

Pansy is also adjective with the meaning: wimpy.

check bellow for the other definitions of Mama's boy and Pansy

  1. Mama's boy as a noun (idiomatic, derogatory):

    A male person, especially a young man or boy, who is overly attached to or influenced by his mother; a sissy.


    "He's such a mama's boy that he can't even ask a girl out for a date without his mother's approval."

  1. Pansy as a noun:

    A cultivated flowering plant, derived by hybridization within species Viola tricolor.

  2. Pansy as a noun:

    A deep purple colour, like that of the pansy.


    "color pane604E97"

  3. Pansy as a noun (derogatory, colloquial, dated):

    A male homosexual, especially one who is effeminate.

  4. Pansy as a noun (derogatory, colloquial):

    A timid, weak man or boy; a wuss.

  1. Pansy as an adjective:

    Wimpy; spineless; feeble.

  2. Pansy as an adjective:

    Of a deep purple colour, like that of the pansy.

  1. Pansy as a verb (slang, intransitive, usually with "around" or "about"):

    To mess about; to fail to get things done.