The difference between Ma'am and Sir

When used as nouns, ma'am means madam , whereas sir means a man of a higher rank or position.

When used as verbs, ma'am means to address (someone) using "ma'am", whereas sir means to address (someone) using "sir".

check bellow for the other definitions of Ma'am and Sir

  1. Ma'am as a noun:

    madam .

  1. Ma'am as a verb:

    To address (someone) using "ma'am".

  1. Sir as a noun:

    A man of a higher rank or position.

  2. Sir as a noun:

    to a knight or other low member of the peerage. to a superior military officer. to a teacher.


    "Just be careful. He gets whingy now if you don't address him as Sir John."

    "'Sir, yes sir."

    "Here's my report, sir."

  3. Sir as a noun:


    "Excuse me, sir, do you know the way to the art museum?"

  4. Sir as a noun (colloquial):

    yes or no.


    "Sir, yes sir."

  1. Sir as a verb:

    To address (someone) using "sir".


    "Sir, yes, sir!<br>Don't you sir me, private! I work for a living!"