The difference between Apply and Render
When used as verbs, apply means to lay or place, whereas render means to cause to become.
Render is also noun with the meaning: stucco or plaster applied to walls (mostly to outside masonry walls).
check bellow for the other definitions of Apply and Render
Apply as a verb (transitive):
To lay or place; to put (one thing to another)
"to apply cream to a rash"
Apply as a verb (transitive):
To put to use; to use or employ for a particular purpose, or in a particular case; to appropriate; to devote
"to apply funds to the repayment of a debt"
Apply as a verb (transitive):
To make use of, declare, or pronounce, as suitable, fitting, or relative; as, to apply the testimony to the case
Apply as a verb (transitive):
To fix closely; to engage and employ diligently, or with attention; to attach; to incline.
Apply as a verb (transitive):
To betake; to address; to refer; generally used reflexively.
Apply as a verb (intransitive):
To submit oneself as a candidate (with the adposition "to" designating the recipient of the submission, and the adposition "for" designating the position).
"I recently applied to the tavern for a job as a bartender."
"Most of the colleges she applied to were ones she thought she had a good chance of getting into."
"Many of them don't know it, but almost a third of the inmates are eligible to apply for parole or work-release programs."
Apply as a verb (intransitive):
To pertain or be relevant to a specified individual or group.
"That rule only applies to foreigners."
Apply as a verb (obsolete):
To busy; to keep at work; to ply.
Apply as a verb (obsolete):
To visit.
Apply as an adjective:
Render as a verb (ditransitive):
To cause to become.
"The shot rendered her [[immobile]]."
Render as a verb (transitive):
To interpret, give an interpretation or rendition of.
"The pianist rendered the [[w:BeethovBeethoven]] sonata beautifully."
Render as a verb (transitive):
To translate into another language.
"to render Latin into English"
Render as a verb (transitive):
To pass down.
"'render a verdict (i.e., deliver a judgment)"
Render as a verb (transitive):
To make over as a return.
"They had to render the estate."
Render as a verb (transitive):
To give; to give back; to deliver.
"'render aid; render money"
"to render an account of what really happened"
Render as a verb:
to give up; to yield; to surrender.
Render as a verb (transitive, computer graphics):
To transform (a model) into a display on the screen or other media.
"'rendering images"
Render as a verb (transitive):
To capture and turn over to another country secretly and extrajudicially.
Render as a verb (transitive):
To convert waste animal tissue into a usable byproduct.
"'rendering of fat into soap"
Render as a verb (intransitive, cooking):
For fat to drip off meat from cooking.
"Bacon is very fatty when raw; however, most of the fat will render during cooking."
Render as a verb (construction):
To cover a wall with a layer of plaster.
"to render with [[stucco]]"
Render as a verb (nautical):
To pass; to run; said of the passage of a rope through a block, eyelet, etc.
"A rope renders well, that is, passes freely."
Render as a verb (nautical):
To yield or give way.
"rfquotek Totten"
Render as a verb (obsolete):
To return; to pay back; to restore.
Render as a verb (obsolete):
To inflict, as a retribution; to requite.
Render as a noun:
Stucco or plaster applied to walls (mostly to outside masonry walls).
Render as a noun (computer graphics):
A digital image produced by rendering a model.
"A low-resolution render might look blocky."
Render as a noun (obsolete):
A surrender.
"rfquotek Shakespeare"
Render as a noun (obsolete):
A return; a payment of rent.
Render as a noun (obsolete):
An account given; a statement.
"rfquotek Shakespeare"
Render as a noun:
One who rends.